
Maskerade wyrmrest accord
Maskerade wyrmrest accord

maskerade wyrmrest accord

  • Floral Theme Naming - Not-so-secret secret: The player names all their death knights after poisonous plants.
  • Eye Scream - Amazingly facilitated by Auroran.
  • Evil Matriarch - Dionaea Dawnherald is a very bad woman.

    (Lark's skin being a creepy gray-blue is probably a more significant change.) Disease Bleach - Okay, so going from straw blond to silver on death is not that dramatic a change.Disability Superpower -1 to Sight, +1 to Hearing, +1 to Sense of Smell.Creepy Monotone - Not that people can tell on a Livejournal game, but Lark usually sounds like a tenor version of Vin Diesel.Body Horror - Not so much on the "mutating into an unrecognizable lump of flesh" axis as "eventually the parts of my brain that make me a person and not an animal will rot away entirely and then I'll just be a ravening beast".Blessed with Suck - Being back from the dead with awesome death knight powers, control over frost, shadow, and disease, and effective immortality also means Lark's brain is slowly rotting away.Berserk Button - Don't try to mind control him.Battle Couple - One half of the Death Knight Dynamic Duo with Krenyn.Ax Crazy - Usually a result of the Berserk Button, but being a death knight means, much like a ninja, your purpose is to flip out and kill people.But then something bad happens to one of them and the little black thorn-covered heartbubbles put on an appearance. Lark just doesn't give a damn, ignores Krenyn outright, or insults his breeding. Aw, Look - They Really Do Love Each Other - Krenyn is horribly mean and verbally abusive to Lark in public.Anything That Moves - And a lot of things that don't!.An Axe to Grind - Lark's runeblade is a great-axe named Terminus Est.Abusive Parents - Only his mother, Lark asserts, furiously.Also, all of the above in combination with, you guessed it, Krenyn. Also he is very fond of Krenyn, cultivating the friendship of small animals (especially his moths), putting his tongue on things, picking flowers, Krenyn, being annoying, not expending excess energy, (except when beating things up or getting it on), Krenyn, cultivating wacky new diseases, disturbing sexual fetishes, and Krenyn. is violating your virgin character sheet page, as he has violated many virgin things before!īasically your average death knight, who is actually really pretty bad at death knight given he'd prefer to spend 95% of the time asleep, and the remaining 5% of the time eating things that should not be eaten or getting it on. Wyrmrest Accord is one of the most well-regarded RP servers in World of Warcraft, with a bustling, active community with a great deal of running storylines and guilds that have little or nothing to do with what the devs and storywriters put into the game.

    maskerade wyrmrest accord

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    Maskerade wyrmrest accord